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Welcome to the StepSponsorDA Daily Morning Workshop Call

If you want to participate in the StepSponsorDA Daily Morning Workshop Call, you're in the right place. We’re glad you found our workshop and we invite you to review the details we've shared about our recovery path. In this workshop we read, study, act upon, and discuss the directions and prayers in designated DA and AA conference-approved literature and we invite you to join us. To join our workshop, add your name* and email address to the form on the home page. You will receive a welcoming email with all the information you need to become an active workshop participant. *In StepSponsorDA, we uphold the tradition of Anonymity. For that reason, most members adopt a "Stage Name." We each create a fun inspiring DA alias, if we choose, to keep our identities confidential.

We take these Steps rapidly, applying the experience, strength, and hope found in the literature to our own recovery and the sponsorship of other members. We try to carry this message to the compulsive debtor who still suffers and to expand the culture of service in Debtors Anonymous. We share a recovery environment where it is agreed that we speak about, and place our minds and consciousness upon, our experience of living the solution through abstinence, spirituality, and working the Steps of Debtors Anonymous.

As a 12-Step recovery program for people who want to stop incurring unsecured debt, we live the solution to our debting through abstinence, spirituality, and working the Steps of Debtors Anonymous. Debtors Anonymous offers hope for people whose use of unsecured debt causes problems and suffering in their lives and the lives of others.



If you’re uncertain if the workshop is for you, we invite you to listen to the recording of our Newcomer Orientation:

For Newcomer Welcome info to the Daily Morning Phone Workshop click here.

For info for Newcomers on Getting Started click here.

For the Getting Started members script, or our study session format, click here.

For the Schedule of topics, readings and recording numbers for the current series click here.

If you're attracted to what you hear, you might next listen in on one or more of our StepSponsorDA Daily Morning Workshop Calls as you make your decision to join.

Daily Morning Call info:

7:00-8:15 am Central Time / 8-9:15 am Eastern Time - Every Day

720.708.1227 + Access Code: 5555416#


To access a list of International Call-in Numbers (Live Call) click here



To hear a RECORDING of each morning study session call: Playback Number 605.313.4101  Access code: 5555416#

International RECORDING Play Back Numbers Link


To access an outline with a schedule of topics, readings, and recording reference numbers for the current daily morning phone series in progress, click this:   SSDA MORNING CALL SCHEDULE

[DAILY STEP WORKSHOP:  720.708.1227  Access: 5555416] 

Inclusivity Statement

The following Inclusivity Statement was approved by the General Service Board in July, 2022 and has been added to the 2022 Debtors Anonymous Manual of Service:

Whatever your story, you are welcome in Debtors Anonymous. In D.A., we celebrate the rich, diverse experiences of people of all identities. We embrace members of any race, ethnicity, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental ability, socio-economic status, religious, spiritual, or philosophical expression, or any other trait. Our various experiences benefit our recovery, so we encourage all members to value differences and actively participate in making D.A. an inclusive fellowship. Together, we create accessible and welcoming spaces for anyone with the desire to stop incurring debt, so that we may all recover one day at a time.

© COPYRIGHT JILL C. P. Do not duplicate without permission. The GreenBack Book Study Guide to existing DA Literature is a Rough Draft and is not DA World Service Conference Approved as of July 2021. At this time, StepSponsorDA group #14261 will exercise 4th tradition autonomy and continue to use GreenBack Book Study Guide for its existing workshops, as we have been doing since 2007.

As of the end of April 2021, the Debtors Anonymous World Service Conference has approved and issued a new study guide, different from the GreenBack Book. StepSponsorDA daily morning call members formed a committee to review and evaluate the new guide and made a determination to continue using the GreenBack Book as its primary study guide. The new 'DA 12 Steps Study Guide' will be recommended to current morning call members as supplemental material.

If you have any questions please send an email to

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